G-Vingino-Blue (Zirocco Blue x Orame) and Skye Morssinkhoff won the Silver Tour Grand Prix of Oliva, Spain.
Eldorrado MVNZ (Cardento x Emilion) and Lieven Devos won a 1.30m class just like Feoniki GB (Silverstone x Numero Uno), ridden by Loris Berrittella
6th 1.45m class: Zirocco’s Son (Zirocco Blue x Burggraaf), ridden by Emilie Conter
th 1.45m and 10
th 1.40m classes: Europe (Cantos x Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve), ridden by Andrej Pavlovic
6th 1.40m young jumpers class: Nithard vd Peerdenhoeve (Zirocco Blue x Corland), ridden by Petronella Andersson
7th 1.40m young jumpers class: Iggy Pop (Dallas x Indorado), ridden by Joseph Davison
8th 1.40m class: Etna VDL (Indorado x Quite Easy I), ridden by Romilly Simmons
9th 1.40m class: Homey (Cardento x Heartbreaker), ridden by Emma Augier de Moussac
th 1.35m class: Ideal du Blofagnu Z (Inshallah de Muze x Utrillo vd Heffinck), ridden by Andrej Pavlovic
9th 1.35m young jumpers class: Imagine H (Etoulon x Indoctro), ridden by Cecilie Tofte
th 1.30m class: Feoniki GB (Silverstone x Numero Uno) and Loris Berrittella
6th and 9th 1.30m classes: Falita J.W.B. (Zirocco Blue x Indorado), ridden by Ida Selin
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