BML di Luca NL (s. Quasimodo vd M.) 3rd in J-A Grand Prix Flyinge

BML di Luca NL (Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Belisar) and Emma Haag became 3rd in the J-A Grand Prix of Flyinge, Sweden. Haricott (Cardento x Maraton), ridden by Klara Lewin, became 10th .

BML di Luca NL won a 1.30m class at this jumping and placed 2nd in a 1.35m class. Haricott also placed 8th in a 1.35m class and 10th in a 1.30m class.


CSI 2* Järvenpää, Finland
2nd 1.40m class: Euro-Star Blue (Zirocco Blue x Niveau), ridden by Sanna Backlund
5th 1.40m class and 10th Six Bars: Carmanda (Cardento x Konigin’s Sohn), ridden by Susanna Granroth
7th  1.40m class: Ikon (Indoctro x Lys de darmen), ridden by Henna Maria Kaaro
6th Six Bars: Con Quick (Corland x Alasca), ridden by Helene Marie Rägo
6th Six Bars and 10th 1.30m class: Donna (Zapatero x Ramiro Z), ridden by Maarja Martinson
10th 1.30m class: Baileys VK (Indoctro x Indorado), ridden by Katri Siltala


CSI4* Dortmund, Germany
At the jumping of Dortmund Carat (Cardento x Krevad) and Robert Vos placed 3rd in a 1.50m class, Deep Blue Bridge S (Zirocco Blue x Ahorn) and Sven Fehnl placed 10th in this class.

Firenzo (Cardento x Marlon), ridden by Markus Renzel, placed 7th in a 1.40m class.

Linked horses

Quasimodo vd Moldendreef

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