
Pedigree :


Hoklahoma is awarded 'ster'

Hoklahoma is a halfsister of Eoklahoma VDL ‘ster’ (1.30m), Foklahoma VDL ‘ster, PROK, IBOP’ (1.35m) and Doklahoma VDL ‘elite’ (1.55m).

Dam Zoklahoma is ‘provisional keur and preferent’ and she is a halfsister of the approved stallion For Fashion (1.45m), halfsister Uklahoma brought the 1.50m jumper Yalambi’s Carmen. Granddam Oklahoma ‘elite, preferent’ is a halfsister of the approved stallion Cicero vd Helle and of the dam of the approved stallion Dakota VDL (1.45m).

From the same damline are a.o. also the approved stallion Cassus 2 (1.50m) and the 1.60m jumpers: Cosiga (1.60m), Conterno (1.60m) etc.



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