Floyo VDL (Baltic x Contender), ridden by Richard Vogel became 2
nd in the Grand Prix of Vilamoura, Portugal. C Vier 2 (Cardento x Concorde), ridden by David Will placed 3
Disckoboy D.N. (Douglas x Silverstone) and Oliver Fletcher won a 1.30m class and also placed 3rd in another 1.30m class.
nd 1.40m class: Bo J (Indorado x Quick Star), ridden by Kevin Jochems
7th 1.40m and 2
nd 1.30m classes: Denzel Quantum Leap (Cantos x Indoctro), ridden by Elin Ott
7th 1.30m class: AHG Whiterock Doctor Cruise (Indoctro x Cruising), ridden by Luisa Horta Osorio
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