Delacroix AS (Douglas x Landwind II B) and Sabrina Crotta became 6th in the Grand Prix of Busto Arsizio, Italy.
Caribo (Cardento x Athlet Z), ridden by Alberto Carrara, won a 1.50m class.
8th 1.50m class: Ayrton IV (Cantos x Burggraaf), ridden by Julie Andrews
9th 1.50m en 7e 1.40m classes: Caribo en Alberto Carrara
9th 1.40m class: Indigo (Indoctro x Jus de Pomme), ridden by Massimo Regina
9th and 10th 1.35m young jumpers classes: Gentleman T (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Gavin Harley
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