Durango VDL (s. Zirocco Blue) 5th in 1.45m Sacramento, USA

Durango VDL (Zirocco Blue x Lux) and Shawn Casady became 5th in a 1.45m class at the jumping of Sacramento, Rancho Murieta, California.
Zapzerap (Zapatero x Ramiro), ridden by Enrique Gonzalez, placed 10th in this class.
Dirocco Blue (Zirocco Blue x Quat’Sous), ridden by Patrick Genn, placed 5th in a 1.40m class.
CSI2* Tryon, USA
Tosca de l’Esques (Cardento x Apache d’Adriers) and Fabio Leivas da Costa won a 1.45m class  at the jumping of Tryon. Harley David (Harley x Randel Z) placed 10th in this class.

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Durango VDL

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