World Wide (s. Corland) wins Grand Prix of Roosendaal

World Wide and Harrie Wiering won the Grand Prix of the Christmas Jumping in Roosendaal in The Netherlands. Eureka (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten, placed 5th and Vorieta (s. Indoctro), ridden by Jelmer Hoekstra, placed 8th.
During this Christmas Jumping there were more victory’s for VDL offspring: Winn Winn (s. Chin Chin) and Gianni Govoni won a 1.45m class against the clock and Wamberto (s. Cantos), ridden by Joep Raijmakers, won a 1.40m class.
More results for VDL offspring are::
2nd 6/7-year old class: Alfred Jodocus Kwak (s. Indoctro), ridden by Siebe Kramer
twice 5th 6/7- year old classes: Benz (s. Indorado), ridden by Siebe Kramer
7th and 8th 6/7- year old classes: Beaumonde (s. Indoctro), ridden by Bart de Bruijn
10th 6/7- year old class: Bliksem (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Morten Djupvik
6th 1.45m class against the clock: Veni Vidi Vici (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Bas Knijf
5th 1.45m class: Winston (s. Cantos), ridden by Joep Raijmakers
8th 1.45m class and 8th 1.40m class against the clock: Vita R (s. Matterhorn), ridden by Timothy Hendrix
10th 1.45m class: Winn Winn en Goanni Govoni
4th 1.40m class: Tomahawk (s. Corland), ridden by Ank van Dongen
3rd 1.40m class against the clock: Hoek’s Vrauke (s. Corland), ridden by Anne van Vulpen
5th 1.40m class: World Wide en Harrie Wiering
5th 1.35m class against the clock: Watch Out (s. Sheraton), ridden by Morten Djupvik
10th 1.35m class against the clock: Zharry Go (s. Indoctro), ridden by Bram van der Pluijm

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