Monsterscore for Baltic mare Ominka at the EPTM test

This year's final EPTM test featured a high-quality group of mares, of which Baltic daughter Ominka received the highest points.

This mare, which became star and voorlopig keur as a 3-years-old, scored 8.5 points for all her parts what gave her a total score of 85 points. Judge Marcel Beukers described Ominka as "a mare that showed a consistent performance and jumped with a lot of reflexes. Ominka is also very careful and shows a lot of athletic ability." Ominka (Baltic VDL x Harley VDL) is bred by J. Wubs from Ontswedde and owned by B.H.M. Ophof from Langeveen.

Besides Ominka, Presline KT (Comthago x Canturano) also passed the EPTM test. This mare received an 8.0 for the canter, 8,5 for her attitude and 8,0 for rideability. Presline KT is bred and owned by K. Timmerman from Dalfsen.

Gekoppelde paarden

Baltic VDL

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