Arezzo VDL ends his sportcareer with victroy in Grand Prix

Yesterday evening Arezzo VDL ended his sportcareer with a victroy in the Grand Prix of the KWPN Stallionshow. Ridden by Jur Vrieling he was the last competitor in the jump-off and he won convincingly in a fast time.
Durango VDL and Lennard de Boer also made it to the jump-off and finished 4th in the Grand Prix.

Earlier in the evening Arezzo VDL was honoured as a 'keur' stallion and the the announcer gave the news that Arezzo VDL will stop his sportcareer now and that he will be fully available for breeding. With the victory Arezzo has a wonderful ending to his great sports career. Ridden by Jessica Kuerten and  Jur Vrieling he has achieved many succeses. With rider Jessica Kürten Arezzo impressed in the international arenas. They won the Grand Prix of Odense and a prestigious 1.50m class at Indoor Brabant. And there were the following high placings: 2nd 1.60m Paris, 2nd 1.50m Humlikon, 2nd 1.45m Paris, 2nd and 3rd in the GP KWPN Stallionshow, 4th 1.45m Oliva, 4th Queens Cup Mechelen, 5th GP Maastricht, 5th in the Sires of the World in Lanaken. Jur Vrieling then took over the reins of Arezzo with great success. Jur and Arezzo won more then 8 international class, for example in Helsinki and  London Olympia. In addition, Arezzo and Jur gained several high placings, 2nd Bonheiden, 2nd 1.50m Treffen, 2nd 1.50m Indoor Brabant, 2nd 1.50m Ommen, 3rd 1.50m Salzburg, 4th 1.45m Valkenswaard, 4th 1.45m Gothenburg, 5th GP Drachten, etc.

Arezzo VDL en Jur Vrieling onderweg naar hun overwinning in de Grote Prijs
Arezzo VDL en Jur in de ereronde

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