Glory Days (s. Cardento) 6th in Worldcup Qualifier Toronto

Glory Days (Cardento x Diamond Serpent) and Katherine Dinan placed 6th in the World Cup Qualifier of Toronto in Canada. They also won a 1.50m class against the clock.
Arista (Sheraton x Wagenaar), ridden by Conor Swail, won a 1.45m class and placed 3rd in a 1.40m class against the clock.
""Glory Days

10th 1.50m class against the clock, 3rd 1.45m and 6th 1.40m classes: The Pugilist (s. Douglas), ridden by Jos Verlooy
2nd and 8th Junior classes: Vindoctro (s. Indoctro), ridden by Jeremy Allegar
7th Junior/Amateur class: Zantos (Cantos x Hinde), ridden by Stephanie Bell

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