Very Nice (s. Cantos) 4th in Grand Prix Bethune

Very Nice (Cantos x Candillo) and Timothy Hendrix placed 4th in the Grand Prix of Bethune in France. Belitys de la Demi Lune (Indorado x Jokinal de Bornival) and Gaetan Decroix placed 10th, this combination also placed 8th in a 1.45m class against the clock.
4th 1.45m class: Very Nice and Timothy Hendrix
4th 1.40m class against the clock: Vlorie (Orame x Goodtimes), ridden by Fidel Segovia
4th 1.40m class against the clock: Elabra de Laubry (Chin Chin x Skippy II), ridden by Damien Haelterman
"" Very Nice

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