Zavall 3rd in 1.35m final NIC Assen

Zavall VDL and his rider Jur Vrieling made a clear round today in the finals of the 1.35m class at the NIC Assen in Holland. There was another nice clear round for them in the jump-off and they finished 3rd in these finals. Earlier this week Zavall and Jur placed 2nd in the qualification class.

Bugatti VDL and John Popely were with a clear round in the qualification class selected for the finals of the 1.30m class. Bugatti VDL jumped very well but had unfortunately one pole down.

In the finals of the 1.20 m class there were more great results for the VDL Stud. Bowmore VDL (Chin Chin x Cantus) and his rider James Billington jumped clear in the jump-off and finished 2nd. And in the third place followed Anderson VDL (Chin Chin x Ahorn) ridden by Ernesto Cansecco, they also were clear in the jump-off. Placed 4th was an offspring of Cardento: Beauwaniki, ridden by Nynke de Vries.
In the qualification class of the 1.20m class Bowmore VDL and Anderson VDL were also clear and Crespo VDL, ridden by Angelique Hoorn made a clear round in this class.

"" Zavall VDL and Jur Vrieling

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