Unedo van de Vondel, Pure Blue VDL and Pardino VDL approved by Zangersheide

Three high interesting bred young VDL stallions are approved by Zangersheide:

Unedo van de Vondel
Conthargos x Cardento x Casall
Granddam Calleryama 1.60m level jumping with Gilles Thomas
Breeder: S. DeWulf, Belgium

Pure Blue VDL
Zirocco Blue VDL x Luidam x Ascendant xx
Mother Blue Angel Grand-Prix and  World Cup winner with Kent Farrington, 1.60m level jumping
Breeder: VDL Stud and co-owner R. Parsky, USA

Pardino VDL
Zirocco Blue x Calvaro Z x Damoiseau D’Or
Mother Sarena with Pius Schwizer and Ben Maher 1.60m level jumping
Breeder: VDL Stud
Co-owner: A. Grange, Canada

Unedo van de Vondel
Pure Blue VDL
Pardino VDL

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