Farrel VDL and VDL Cartello 2nd in Nations Cup Langley, Canada

Topresults for VDL horses in the Nations Cup of Langley in Canada.

Homebred Farrel VDL (Cardento x Stakkato) and VDL Cartello (Cartani x Lord) became with the Irish Showjumping team 2nd in the Nations Cup of Langley. VDL Cartello, ridden by Cormac Hanley, jumped a double clear round. Farrel VDL, which made his debut in the Nations Cup under Daniel Coyle jumped a fantastic clear round. Farrel VDL was sold in the WEF Sport Horse Auction 2017. VDL Cartello was sold by VDL Stud as well.

In the winning Canadian team was also a descendent of our stallion Pessoa VDL: Parette, ridden by Lisa Carlsen.

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