Datero H (s. Zapatero VDL) 6th in 2* Grand Prix Knokke

Datero H (Zapatero VDL x Linaro) and Paul Kennedy became 6th in the 2* Grand Prix of Knokke in Belgium.

7th 1.40m class: Zagahorn (Matterhorn x Wolfgang), ridden by Emily Moffitt
10th 1.35m class: Songe de Toscane (Indoctro x Quick Star), ridden by Flo Norris
10th 1.35m class: Aagje de Bioagrico (Corland x Landwind), ridden by Brecht Bille
3rd 1.35m young jumpers class: Franka Trichta (Azteca VDL x Optimist), ridden by Michael Hughes
5th Iliade KDW Z (Indoctro x Brahmann St Simeon), ridden by Margaux Rocuet

CSI 3*
6th 1.45m class: Augustinus LAN (Indoctro x Nimmerdor), ridden by Evy Morssinkhof
7th 1.45m class: Cassius vd Smis (Cardento x Skippy II), ridden by Marcel Marschall
8th 1.45m class: Constance (Indoctro x Animo), ridden by Jessica Mendoza
9th 1.45m and 8th 1.35m classes: Cyber Lady Z (Douglas x Skippy II), ridden by Marlon Modolo Zanotelli
9th 1.45m class: It’s Real Love vd Smis Z (Indoctro x J.Liberato), ridden by Emily Moffitt


CSI2* Grenoble, France
Ulloa du Trefle (Sheraton x Double Espoir), ridden by Nicolas Deseuzes won a 1.35m class at the jumping of Grenoble in France. They also placed 10th in a 1.45m class and 8th in a 1.40m class.

Urban Melodie (Goodtimes x I Love You), ridden by Cyril Bouvard, won a 1.30m class and placed 2nd in a 1.35m class.

Orchidee Messipierre (Indoctro x Nidor Platiere), ridden by Jessica Dolt, placed 10th in a 1.30m class.


Datero H

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