2 April VDL Stallion Show

A unique atmosphere, a beautiful stallion collection, the youngest foals, international top riders and meetings with fellow breeders…..you will experience it all at the VDL Stallion Show.

After the press conference about the relaxation of the corona regulations, the VDL Stallion Show​ 2022 can continue!

So this year we can finally organize a live edition of the VDL Stallion Show with an audience!

The show will be a live stallion show - accessible to everyone, for access we use the current access rules of the RIVM. The show will be broadcast live on www.clipmyhorse.tv, for visitors who can't come and for our foreign customers. The show can also be watched afterwards on www.clipmyhorse.tv.

The show will be held on April 2nd. at the VDL Stud and starts at 13:00 Dutch time (CET, GMT +1) with free entrance, mark it in your agenda!

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