Ellexa de Nuit (s. Zirocco Blue) wins Youngster final Lier

Ellexa de Nuit (Zirocco Blue VDL) and Axelle Druyts have won the Youngster final at the jumping of Lier in Belgium. In the qualifiers they placed 5th twice. Exella de Nuit had won the Belgium Championship for 5-year olds when she was 5.

In the qualifications placed Audi’s Dimple (Wittinger x Ahorn), ridden by Ruben Romp, 2nd, Diva (Indoctro x Nimmerdor), ridden by Robert Vos 7th and Lady Margaret (Cardento x Iroko), ridden by Alberto Zorzi, 10th.

More results for offspring of our stallions are as follows:
4th1.35m rubriek: Briljantbridge B (Radisson x Glennridge), ridden by Pål Flam
6th and 8th 1.35m rubrieken: Dutsboy (Veron x Lux), ridden by Alberto Zorzi
8th 1.35m rubriek: Carat (Cardento x Krevad), ridden by Robert Vos
9th 1.35m rubriek: Babel (Chin Chin x Numero Uno), ridden by Angelique Hoorn
3rd 1.30m rubriek: Bellini (Indoctro x Lavall II), ridden by Thomas Peeters
8th 1.30m rubriek: Alonsa S (Cardento x Voltaire), ridden by Jorien Livens

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