Eddie Blue (s. Zirocco Blue) Champion American Eastcoast

Eddie Blue (Zirocco Blue x Marlon) and Devin Ryan are champion of the American Eastcoast of the 6-year old jumpers.
Dartagnan (Douglas x Voltaire), ridden by Samantha Ramsay, became reservechampion of the 7-year olds.

VDL Wizard (Gentleman x Ahorn) and Callan Solem became 10th in the $ 250.000 Hampton Classic Grand Prix.

3rd Championship 5- year olds: Maximus (Zapatero x Indoctro), ridden by Ronan Mc Guigan
4th Championship 5- year olds: For Side VDL (Zirocco Blue x Landlord), ridden by Shaine Brooks
9th Championship 6- year olds: Edorado (Indorado x Ahorn), ridden by James Fairclough
3rd 7-year old class: Dartagnan and Samantha Ramsay
3rd 1.40m speed derby: Azibantos (Chin Chin x Cantos), ridden by McLain Ward

"" Eddie Blue

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