Sancha la Silla 8th in Grand Prix Spruce Meadows

Sancha la Silla (Chin Chin x Polydor) and Daniel Bluman placed 8th in the 5* Grand Prix of Spruce Meadows in Calgary, Canada.
"" Sancha la Silla

Chin Quidam (Chin Chin x Quidam de Revel) and Darragh Kenny won a 1.45m class. Chanel (Chin Chin x Damiro B), ridden by Roberto Teran Tafur, won a 1.45m class against the clock and Arwen (Indoctro x Halloween), ridden by Christina Firestone, won a 1.40m Junior/Amateur class.

4th 1.45m class: Zaprilia M (Chin Chin x Silvio), ridden by Richard Spooner
4th 1.45m class: Generoso RM (Orame x Bachus), ridden by Antonio Chedraui jr
7th 1.45m class against the clock: Valdato (Emilion x Caretino), ridden by Cara Raether
7th 1.45m class: Indiana (v. Indoctro), ridden by Angel Karolyi
9th 1.45m class: Welfare (Pacific x Zortin), ridden by Andrew Ramsay
9th and 10th 1.45m classes: Alpha (Corland x Emilion), ridden by Darragh Kenny
3rd and 9th 1.40m class: Zelote VDL (Chin Chin x Libero H), ridden by Tina Dilandri
3rd 1.40m Junior/Amateur class: The Pugilist (Douglas x Freddies Star), ridden by Bretton Chad
5th Junior/Amateur class: E Unanime De La Haie (Corland x Ramiro), ridden by Hannah Heidegger
6th Junior/Amateur class: Adoctro (Indoctro x Beaujolais), ridden by Jordan MacPherson
6th 1.40m Junior/Amateur class: Arwen and Christina Firestone
6th and 7th 1.40m class: Valerie FS (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Vanessa Mannix
6th and 10th 1.40m class: Babette (Corland x Goodtimes), ridden by Gareth Graves
7th and 10th 1.40m class: Brugal VDL (Indorado x Guidam), ridden by Jonathan McCrea
5th 1.35m class: Whistler (Pacific x Andiamo), ridden by Leslie Howard
5th and 10th 1.35m class: Valencia (v. Indoctro), ridden by Tina Dilandri

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