Winn Winn (s. Chin Chin) wins Grand Prix San Giovanni in M.

Winn Winn (Chin Chin x Wagenaar) and Gianni Govoni have won the Grand Prix of San Giovannin in M., Italy. They also won a 1.45m class.

Touchable (Navarone x Goodwill), ridden by Claudia Gisler, won a 1.45m class against the clock and Zlatan (Hold Up Premier x Vasco), ridden by Wout-Jan van der Schans, won a 1.30m class.

5th 1.45m class against the clock: Amarillo (Indoctro x Heartbreaker), ridden by Mischa Everse van de Kraats
3rd, th, 5th and 5th 1.40m classes: Zazou (Indoctro x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Bjorn Egberink
6th 1.40m class: Ascot di San Patrignano(Corland x Grannus), ridden by Fernando Fourcade Lopez
twice 3rd 1.35m classes: Bentley M (Cardento x Canaletto), ridden by Bjorn Egberink

CSI 5* Madrid, Spain
Whisper H.E. (Corland x Quidam de Revel) won a 1.50m class against the clock at the 5* jumping in Madrid.

At the 2* jumping in Madrid, atson Sitte (Cardento x Chellano Z), ridden by Jerome Navet, placed 6th and 9th in 1.40m classes.

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