Two clear rounds for Corporal VDL at CSI * Lyon

Corporal VDL (Cardento x Grosso Z) and his rider  Malin Baryard did very well at the CSI * odf Lyon in France. They jumped three   1.35m/1.40m classes and all three rounds there were no jumping faults. Corporal VDL  and Malin VDL had 2 clear rounds and one round there was one timefault.

The Championship of 6 year old jumpers of Lyon was won by Taiga du Paradis (Indoctro x Adelfos), ridden by  Cyril Turban. Placed 3rd was Tibetin des Forest (Corland x Voltaire), ridden by Audrey Paris.

There were more good results for VDL offspring in Lyon::
7th+ 8th 1.50m Matrix (Cardento x Maximus), ridden by J. Larocca
6th 1.45m/1.50m: Arera C (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by M. van der Vleuten
6th 1.35m: Quarto Mail (Cardento x Alligator Fontainer), ridden by E. Levy


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