Gold and Bronze for Hello Sanctos (by Quasimodo van de Molendreef)

Hello Sanctos (Quasimodo van de Molendreef x Nabab de Reve) won the Gold Medal with the English Team at the European Jumping Championships.  Individual he won the Bronze Medal with his rider Scott Brash.

There was also a granddaughter of Chin Chin in the winning English team: Cella. She is a mare with the pedigree Cento x Chin Chin and with her rider Ben Maher she was winner of the Team Gold and Individual she won the Silver Medal.

Unfortunately the final round was not a good round for Bubalu VDL and Jur. In the final rankings he finished in 23rd place. Despite of the last round he was jumping very well in earlier rounds and he was the best horse of the Dutch team in the Nations competition.

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