Cardento-son Cyklon wins in Saint Gallen

Cyklon (s. Cardento) won a1.40m class against the clock with Shane Sweetnam at the 5* CSIO Top League in Saint Gallen in Switzerland. They also placed 6th in a 1.45m class.
Touchable (s. Navarone) and Claudia Gisler placed 8th in a 1.50m class.
"" Cyklon

Traffic Boy, a young Cardento, and Shane Sweetnam placed 3rd in a 1.45m class.
Unique (s. Indoctro) and Nick Skelton placed three times at this CSIO: 8th in a 1.45m class, 3rd and 6th in two 1.40m classes.

In Bourg en Bresse a CSI 4* was ridden and the results for VDL offspring were as follows:
3rd 1.50m against the clock: Uleika (s. Atlantic), ridden by Karim El Zoghby
3rd and 6th 6-year old jumpers class: Aagje de Bioagrico (s. Corland), ridden by Frederik Cattebeke

In Franconville CSI 3* were the next results for VDL offspring:
7th 1.45m against the clock: Upper Star (s. Silverstone), ridden by Jerome Guery
5th 1.40m: Uchingo d’Esquelmes (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Robert Breul
10th 1.35m against the clock: Ahosveros (s. Silverstone), ridden by Nadine Traber

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