Zavall 8th in 1.40m Warschau

The young stallion Zavall placed last weekend with his rider Jur Vrieling 8th  in a 1.40m class at the CSI 3* in Warschau.

Suzanne Tepper was succesfull again with Sensation (Corland x Emilion), they won the qualification class for the Grand Prix and placed 4th in a  1.45m class.

More good results were there for :
4th Grand Prix qualifier: Algot (Cardento x Corlando), ridden by Marek Lewicki
2nd 1.35m: Arakorn (Cantos x Damiro), ridden by Lukasz Wasilewski
6th 1.35m: Zola (s. Indoctro), ridden by Malgorzata Ciszek Lewicka

"" Zavall VDL

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