Offspring of VDL Stallions winning in Wellington

There were good results for offspring of VDL stallions in week 5 of the  'Winter Equestrian Festival' in Wellington. Indigo, ridden by Margie Engle made 2 clear rounds and made the fastest time in the jump-off.

In the class for 5 year old jumpers there were 2 victories for  Carst VDL, a son of Harley VDL. Carst VDL won 2 classes with his rider  Todd Minikus.

In the class for the 6 year old jumpers there was a victory for  Bretagne VDL (Cardento x Indorado), ridden by  David Blake. Placed 5th was Nina VDL (ex Bigeunerin VDL, Silverstone x Caletto I) and her rider Candice King.

Carst VDL, Bretgane VDL and Nina VDL:  all 3 are sold by the VDL Stud to the USA.

"" Indigo

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