Cantos-son from the Wolden Summer Sale to stallion test

The Cantos-son Drogba is last week during the KWPN Stallion approvals selected for the stallion test. Drogba is bred by dhr. G.R. Turksema from Roden and comes from the Numero Uno mare Varaya. As foal he was sold in the Wolden Summer sale 2008 for €5.000. HBC Stal bought Drogba and still owns the stallion. The organisation of the Wolden Summersale is glad to hear that from such a small selected group foals, who are selected every year for the auction, 8 to 10 foals, this stallion is accepted for the 70 days stallion test.

The 5th edition of the Wolden Summersale will be this year on saturday the 16th of July 2011. There will by qualityfull jumping horses and also some interesting foals.

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