Fancy Roos VDL wins 2nd round KWPN Championship for 7 year olds

Homebred Fancy Roos VDL (Baltic x Goodtimes) and Maud Roosendaal won today the 2nd round of the KWPN Championship for 7 year olds. They are in lead of the Championship, Saturday the finals take place.

Also the following stallions jumped clear rounds and got selected for the finals:

5-year olds:                     
Heineken VK VDL (Zirocco Blue x Rebel II Z), ridden by Lennard de Boer

6 year olds:
Graziano (Baltic x Great Pleasure), ridden by Steven Veldhuis
Global Express (Orient Express x Laudanum), ridden byLennard de Boer
Grand Slam VDL (Cardento x Heartbreaker), ridden byLennard de Boer

Offspring of the Preferent Indoctro did extreme well : Gloed (Indoctro x Quality), ridden by Timothy Hendrix became winner of the 6 year olds today and is in the lead of the Championship.  In the Championship of the 5-year olds  Hymabalia (Indoctro x Starsky de Brix), ridden by Bert Jan Zuidema, is in the lead.

Fancy Roos VDL

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